
         The Effective Solution to Quit Smoking!

Why did you take up smoking?

You probably started smoking to impress your friends or to learn what it tasted like or maybe to be more like your favorite movie star. That does not really matter. What really matters is that the habit has stuck and now you probably smoke 1-3 packs in a day. Have you taken a decision to quit? Did you know that a cigarette contains close to 4000 dangerous chemical compounds and 400 toxins? When you inhale a cigarette, it burns at close to 700 °C at the tip and 60 °C at the core. Now that is suicide!

Why is it so important to quit smoking?

Research on smokers’ show that close to 85% of all smokers desire to quit but smoking is so addictive that fewer than 10% of the people who try ever successfully kick the habit. Most smokers fear about the withdrawal symptoms and prefer smoking than dealing with the pressure.

Quit smoking for YOU!…

Make a decision to quit smoking yourself. Do NOT wait for someone to cajole or lecture you on the benefits of smoking. The risks involved are too dangerous. Smoking is considered by many to be suicide and the various health risks involved are as follows:

* Cardiovascular diseases
* Cancers of the lung, esophagus, pancreas and cervix
* Respiratory diseases like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
* Hypertension(due to high blood pressure)
* Fertility problems
Periodontal problems(swollen gums, bad breath)
* Impotency

Do yourself a favor. Quit smoking!

Why should you avoid Nicotine Replacement Therapy?

NRT is a method of getting nicotine into the bloodstream without smoking. Examples of these include nicotine gums, patches, inhalers and sprays. What are the side-effects that arise by using these products? Scientific studies have noted the following as some of the conditions to be associated with such nicotine alternatives.

* Injury or irritation to mouth or teeth
* High blood pressure
* Fast or irregular heartbeat; itching, rash or swelling of skin
* Nausea and vomiting
* Increased watering of mouth
* Abdominal or stomach pain
                     * Diarrhea

Over a period of time, most people just return back to their old smoking habits.

So is there a solution for smokers to get rid of their smoking completely and without the withdrawal symptoms associated with it? We are happy to state there is an answer to your question and that is NicoNot! NicoNot has been successfully helping men and women around the world to get rid of their habit!

Why is NicoNot so popular?

A smoker finds it difficult to quit mainly because of the cigarette’s addictive ingredient, nicotine. Nicotine is mentally and physically addictive and just as harmful as cocaine. Quitting definitely requires more than sheer willpower. Some of the withdrawal symptoms that arises are as follows:

* Insomnia
* Anxiety
* Irritability
* Depression
* Increase in appetite
* Fatigue

NicoNot is free from nicotine and unlike other Nicotine Replacement Theraphy(NRT) products, is free from dangerous side-effects.

How does NicoNot Work?

NicoNot is a formulation of the finest herbs that work on eradicating the withdrawal symptoms that lead smokers to return to smoking. NicoNot works on the same receptors in the brain that nicotine binds to when inhaled during smoking. NicoNot, thus, stabilizes the system and prevents it from having setbacks of craving and withdrawal.

Are you ready to quit smoking?
Decide to quit smoking today and do not wait to make that decision. Use NicoNot pills to help you just like it helped thousands of similar men and women.


Your health and well-being is and will remain of supreme importance. The quality of NicoNot is thus taken care of by adopting accepted standards of manufacturing in industry.

A team of the most dedicated and prominent doctors and herbalists were actively involved in the process of finalizing the ingredients for NicoNot. Their main concern was to provide the most effective alternative to combat smoking urges and withdrawal symptoms to make sure that the customer’s safety is not compromised. Their research led them to investigating the effectiveness of numerous herbs and other plants. They eventually came up with the final potent ingredients that form the core of NicoNot. The overall result was a proven and effective product.

Exhaustive tests have been conducted on NicoNot and it is true that this product does not posses any short-term or long-term side-effects and does not produce any sort of dependency. Vitopharma products are the safest herbal formulations and are universally recommended by experienced and prominent doctors.

NicoNot is a complete natural product and free from the side-effects that usually accompany other pills that are chemical in nature. This feature enables it to be taken easily along with your daily intake of food and without any prescription from the doctor.

Satisfied customers have called up singing praises for NicoNot and ordering more, thus confirming the efficacy and safety of the product.

Decide to quit smoking today and do not wait to make that decision. Use NicoNot pills to help you just like it helped thousands of similar men and women.

Medical Reviews

A doctor talks about NicoNot…

Most men and women that come to me for a relief from smoking are usually desperate and have failed to get a control over their smoking habit. I usually recommended various alternative products like nicotine patches and pills, etc. The results were usually slow and not positive. This is when a colleague of mine recommended the use of NicoNot. He had recommended it to his patients and had got positive results. I prescribed it to a patient and got positive results too and then started promoting the product. I proudly state that this product helped my patients to adjust to a smoke-free lifestyle.

Dr. Mark Contile, Cape Town, South Africa

A herbalist writes…

Herbal solutions are very effective against many illnesses. They do not cause any adverse effects. Such versatile herbs are perfectly utilized in NicoNot. These herbs create physiological changes in the body that help to quit smoking. They naturally relieve a person from the side-effects of smoking like cough and sore throat. Best Luck guys!

                                                                                                      - Chris Smith, Tasmania, Australia

A doctor shares her observation…

I came to know about NicoNot from one of my patients. He did not experience the withdrawal symptoms after he started these pills. I believe NicoNot’s permanent effects further avoided the relapse. I have started recommending NicoNot to my other patients who have successfully quit smoking. NicoNot has become my only prescription for people who intend to quit cigarettes.

- Dr. Wakahisa, Tokyo, Japan

Customer Testimonials

"... I had a very strong addiction to smoking and several attempts to kick the habit remained futile. My family doctor recommended several alternatives but everything remained futile. I am a father of two and the need for quitting was mounting everyday. I was advised by a doctor at a de-addiction center to take NicoNot. I am glad that I listened to him and am firmly back on the path to recovery..."
                                                                                                                    - Tomlinson, 42, CA, USA

"I am happy to declare that this product has helped me get rid of my smoking addiction…"

- Paul, 29, Gaithersburg, Maryland

"I was born into a family of chain-smokers and I have been smoking for the past thirty years or so. It was only after I attended a counseling session that I decided to quit smoking entirely. I then tried my best to get rid of the habit for two years and met with no success at all. I am completely in debt to my friend for recommending this product to me and I say with confidence that after taking this pill I am fully able to fight my smoking urges and I am currently on the path to recovery."

- Fuser, 52, Germany


What is NicoNot?

NicoNot is a herbal nicotine-free formulation that fights against smoking and its withdrawal symptoms. This tablet works aggressively on your system to make it stronger and enables it to combat the strong urges of smoking. NicoNot reverses the effects of smoking withdrawal symptoms keeping you stronger and NicoNot is a doctor approved tablet that effectively gets rid of the urge to smoke and also gets rid of the withdrawal symptoms.

Can I use this product?

If you wish to get rid of your smoking habit then NicoNot is the product for you. This harmless product provides effective results.

Is it safe?

NicoNot has been prepared with the foremost care and detail. The herbs that went into the preparation of this product are the safest and most renowned. We follow stringent International standards in safety and hygiene in the preparation of our products.

What are the ingredients?

Please refer to the ‘Ingredients’ section to know more about the effective ingredients that form the vital core of NicoNot.

What is the dosage?

Take 1 Tablet three times in a day with a glass of water. Follow a regular course to ensure permanent relief from smoking and its withdrawal symptoms.

What if I miss a dose?

If you have missed a dose, then take it as soon as you remember. Follow the course in a disciplined manner to achieve strong and permanent results.

Will my privacy be respected?

Your privacy is of prime concern and will be given maximum priority. Your order will be shipped to you in discreet plain packages and follows strict International regulations that are the norm in the shipping industry.

What is the guarantee policy?

NicoNot is backed with a 100% money back guarantee. If, in any of the unlikely event, you are unhappy with your purchase or the performance of NicoNot, simply return it within 90 days for a full refund of the product purchase price (excluding shipping & handling charges). Contact our support department if you need to return your order or if there is any problems.

How do I order NicoNot?

Ordering NicoNot online is simple and convenient. All you have to do is click the ‘Order Now’ link to be taken to a page which displays the quantity of the order which you would like to place. After validating your order with the quantity that you would require, you will be redirected to a 100% secure order form in which you can safely fill in the necessary details required to complete the transaction.

Is it safe to use my credit card online?

Absolutely! We have employed a top online security system that is powered by an efficient SSL 256-bit symmetric key encryption system. This ensures that all your transactions and information are protected and kept confidential. This makes shopping with us safer than at a supermarket or restaurant!

What types of payments do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, American Express, Carte Bleue, MasterCard, Diner’s Club, Eurocard and Discover.

How fast will I receive this product?

If you choose Express Mail, then you will receive your order within a week. Registered Mail will help you receive the product in 15 days.

How much does shipping and handling cost?

Our products are shipped to your door safely and in a timely manner. We follow international standards in packing and shipping. You can choose from either of the following 2 options:

* $14.95 for delivery using Registered Mail (up to 15 days)
* $29.95 for delivery using Express Mail (7 to 10 business days)

Do you have customer support?

Our customer support staff is a bunch of highly professional and dedicated individuals. They look forward to answering your queries in the best and quickest manner possible. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our agents for any query that you may have, big or small.


  We provide excellent 24/7 365 Days Support

We are determined to providing you with the best customer service possible. VitoPharma provides 24/7 support via email and over the phone. Our customer service agents are among the best in the industry and eagerly look forward to answering any queries that you may have. Click here to go to the ‘Contact Us’ screen.

  Our history of customer satisfaction

VitoPharma’s reputation for customer satisfaction is unprecedented. VitoPharma products are prepared from the most effective herbs and formulated by the most trusted doctors. You can order our products by taking advantage of our excellent website facilities.

  Prompt Delivery

Once the order has been placed, the product will be placed in compact envelopes for delivery to your home. These packages will be discreet and there will be no indication of the content of the envelope on the outside. Your privacy is strictly respected.

  Money Back Guarantee

NicoNot is backed with a 100% money back guarantee. If, in any of the unlikely event, you are unhappy with your purchase or the performance of NicoNot, simply return it within 90 days for a full refund of the product purchase price (excluding shipping & handling charges). Contact our support department if you need to return your order or if there is any problems.

Our customers shop with us because it is so convenient and risk-free :

* All packages are shipped worldwide with delivery guranteed
* All orders are packed in plain boxes with no indication of its contents for maximum privacy
* The results are effective and permanent (the recommended dosage needs to be followed)
* The product is branded, safe and recommended by Doctors worldwide
* The payment is 100% Secured with 256-bit encryption
* A 3-Months Money Back Guarantee is offered with the product
* A friendly customer support available 24/7

Order NicoNot

Easy, secured and fast online ordering...
The more months' supply that you order, the greater the results and the money that you save.
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2 FREE Additional Bottles!
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Registered Mail - $14.95 - (in 15 days)
Express Mail - $29.95 - (in 7 to 10 days)