Find out if how rapid weight loss can be achieved and if it's safe.
Rapid Weight Loss So you've decided you want to shed your extra pounds, but you don't want to do it gradually - you want rapid weight loss! Do you dream of losing a large amount of weight in just a few weeks or a couple of months? There are a vast number of rapid weight loss solutions on the market promising incredible results, but many of them either don't work, or the results don't last, or they are dangerous to your health.
Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?
Before you decide on a rapid weight loss plan, you need to do your research carefully in order to avoid wasting your time and money, or risking your health. It is actually possible to lose about 20 pounds in a week, but most doctors recommend against this kind of extreme rapid weight loss, since it would endanger your health. Most doctors agree that one should not try to lose more than a few pounds a week, otherwise, they are jeopardizing their health.
The two main options available are a rapid weight loss diet or a rapid weight loss pill. You've probably heard about fad diets like Atkins, South Beach or the Cabbage Soup diet. Many of these diets can't be sustained without endangering your health. Before embarking on any rapid weight loss diet, you need to do your research and make sure that you won't be endangering your health by consuming to little of one thing or too much of something else. If you lose weight while on the diet, but you can't stay on it, then you'll probably gain all the weight back when go off it, so there isn't much point. And repeatedly going on and off diets to lose weight, only to gain it back again is very unhealthy.
If a rapid weight loss diet deprives you of adequate calories, your body will think you are starving, and react by lowering your metabolism. This means you will burn calories at a slower rate, so it becomes much more difficult to lose weight. Then if you increase your calories, you may gain a lot of weight before your metabolism speeds back up. For this reason, many rapid weight loss diets fail, and it is always best to reach a healthy weight using a diet you can stay on for good without risking your health.
The other major option is a rapid weight loss pill or supplement. Depending on what pill or supplement you use, these can be very dangerous to your health, so you really need to do your research before trying one. Prescription weight loss pills can help you lose up to 5-10% of your body weight, but are generally reserved for people with weight-related health problems, or the obese. These are not exactly a rapid weight loss solution either, because it generally takes up to a year to achieve these results, and only when combined with dietary changes and exercise. They can also cause some very unpleasant side effects, so this is not the greatest rapid weight loss solution.
Aside from prescription rapid weight loss pills, there are also natural weight loss supplements such as the appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii and herbal colon cleansers. There are also stimulants such as caffeine pills used to speed up the metabolism. Some of these products may work for rapid weight loss, but it is best to consult your doctor before trying any of them, because they may cause side effects and health risks, particularly if you have any existing health conditions.
Extreme rapid weight loss is never a good idea, since it usually just means you're losing water and muscle mass. This can endanger your health, and will frustrate you, because the results won't last. That is not to say that some rapid weight loss solutions can work for some people, but they should be combined with a healthy diet, and proper exercise for lasting results.
A Safe Way to Speed Up the Weight Loss Process
VitoSlim™ – The ONLY OTC pill that is recommended by doctors Doctors regularly prescribe their patients this safe and effective herbal pill. The patients who had been following a regular schedule found themselves having a good reduction in weight. A significant number of dieticians and even gym-trainers too counsel the use of VitoSlim™. The effects of physical exercise were enhanced and quick when supplemented with VitoSlim™. This pill really benefits the obese and over-weight and supports the metabolism of those who do workout.