
• Delays and controls ejaculation time
• Increases Fertility
• Promotes stronger and firmer erections
• Increases sexual libido and stamina
• Provides progressive and long lasting results

Premature ejaculation occurs before or shortly after penetration during sexual intercourse and is a common type of sexual dysfunction. There are certain psychological and physiological conditions that subjugate them to this sexual disorder. The most common causes are stress/fear; poor sexual satisfaction, anger & tension in a relationship, health issues.
• Is your problem of early ejaculation getting you all annoyed?
• Is your woman losing her trust in you? Does she feel irritated as your sex encounter ends too soon?
• Has premature ejaculation hampered your self confidence and are you avoiding sex due to such crisis?
• Do you wish to experience intense and pleasurable orgasms with your partner?

The key here is Guys- you simply need to relax. There�s nothing wrong with you! You�re simply the victim of premature ejaculation�.. Until NOW! By viewing this site, you have taken the very first step in your fight against it. Astounding sexual experience is no more a dream it�s a reality
Time Period Results
1 Month
A group of men who previously complained of ejaculating within a minute, noticed that their average retention time increased to 7 minutes after they started using DuraMale.
3 Months
The same men noticed that within 3 months their ejaculation retention time increased to 13 minutes.
5 - 6 Months
The ejaculatory time was extended to 16 minutes in the same group of men between the 5th & 6th months of DuraMale therapy.

DuraMale is a completely natural remedy to delay ejaculation and promote a very satisfying and pleasurable sexual life. DuraMale is an herbal remedy that has a unique combination of potent herbs that help in delaying ejaculation, increasing erection and improving libido. It works towards prolonging your sexual intimacy with a healthier grasp of ejaculation control. DuraMale is formulated by a team of herbal researchers, health and nutritional professionals and pharmaceutical scientists who have looked after your sexual needs in the best possible ways! We are absolutely confident that DuraMale will work for you. As an additional benefit, we are also offering you a 90 day money back guarantee wherein if you fail to see the results, you simply need to return the product back to us � which we claim is a rare and unlikely case!

With DuraMale, you simply need to sit and enjoy the results it guarantees. We claim – your sexual life was never bigger and better than with DuraMale.

With DuraMale – watch out for the following changes that you and your partner always desired:
• Your sexual glands are strengthened and toned 20 times more effectively with DuraMale.
• Stress and anxiety are now concerns of the past and freely rule out your concerns about side effects
• And most importantly, it enhances your sexual mood and desire and opens doors to a wonderful and healthy sexual life
Experience delay in ejaculation time and put an end to premature ejaculation NOW…

 DuraMale is a natural formulation of the finest herbs that effectively enhances the quality and quantity of semen and sperm count. DuraMale consists of the following potent ingredients:
Brand Name: DuraMale
Servings Per Container: 60 Capsules

L-Arginine is a natural compound that safely increases nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator which allows blood vessels in the penis to dilate, thus retaining the blood during erection. L-arginine increases the libido or desire for sex in men, and also gives them a greater endurance. It plays an important role in initiating and maintaining an erection. L-Arginine promotes vascular circulation leading to an improved blood flow to the penis. It also enhances sperm quantity and quality.

It is an essential amino acid which helps in elevating the mood, thus acting as your mood stimulator. L-phenylalanine is an alerting amine that modulates libido and aggressive behavior.

Hygrophila spinosa:
Used as an excellent herb to fight premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Argyreia speciosa:
Acts on the brain, especially on the high centers of emotion. It calms the mind by reducing the anxiety levels. It thus controls the process of ejaculation and increases the sperm count.

Mucuna pruriens:
Improves libido and sexual behavior by stimulating the release of testosterone in the body. It is also known to enhance the sperm count.

Tribulus terrestris:
Works by triggering the androgen receptors in our brain. It also enhances the production of the hormone testosterone and promotes growth of muscles and increase in strength of body. It thus helps to provide best possible penile development and generation of sperm.

Your health and well-being is and will remain of supreme importance. The quality of DuraMale is thus taken care of by adopting accepted standards of manufacturing in industry.

A team of the most dedicated and prominent doctors and herbalists were actively involved in the process of finalizing the effective ingredients for DuraMale. The main goal was a safe solution for the male sexual disorder Premature Ejaculation. This led them to investigating the effectiveness of numerous herbs and other plants and to eventually came up with the final potent ingredients that form the core of DuraMale. The overall result was a proven and effective product.

Exhaustive tests have been conducted on DuraMale and it is true that this product does not posses any short-term or long-term side-effects. Vitopharma products are the safest herbal formulations and are universally recommended by experienced and prominent doctors.

DuraMale is a complete natural product and free from the side-effects that usually accompany other pills that are chemical in nature and can be taken without the prescription of a doctor. This feature enables it to be taken easily along with your daily intake of food.

Thanks to DuraMale’s herbal ingredients, these pills easily be taken as part of your normal diet. Satisfied customers have called up singing praises for DuraMale and ordering more, thus confirming the efficacy and safety of the product.

Why DuraMale?
I am a practicing urologist and a majority of my patients have suffered from a number of sexual ailments. I would rank premature ejaculation as the most common among them followed by erectile dysfunction. Changes in lifestyle and guilt are some of the main reasons I cite to my patients for this condition. I then ask them to go for counseling and to eat a balanced diet. Any medications that I would prescribe would have mostly no effect in their ejaculation control. I then came across this product in a popular men’s magazine and after reading the testimonials provided by men who benefited from it, I decided to use it on a willing patient. I was under the understanding that since the product is herbal in nature, there would be no side-effects. I was right! This patient of mine developed better ejaculation control and was able to get rid of his premature ejaculation in a month! So what exactly works in DuraMale? The answer is simple – it’s the potent and safe herbs that form the ingredients. I say with confidence that this is the solution for your ejaculation concerns.

Dr. Sam Millain, Quebec, Canada

An experienced urologist writes…
Is there a solution against Premature Ejaculation? This question was put before me repeatedly by my patients and I was short of an explanation. I always advised them to consider dieting and to increase the intake of proteins and other vitamins. This was definitely a very slow process and rarely met with any success. During this stage, I met a fellow doctor who said he met with success in treating Premature Ejaculation. I followed his cue and started advising DuraMale to my patients. The results were immediate and the worried faces keep smiling to this day!

- Dr. Pascal Martinez, Mexico City

DuraMale is effective!
Premature ejaculation is a complicated condition and most men do not come in the open about it. I have recommended this product to my patients and had positive results. I recommend this safe and herbal product to all men facing this condition in life.

- Dr. Mark Swanson, NM

An eminent herbalist writes…
I am an expert with herbal medicines and I would like to say that this product has extremely potent ingredients that are effective as well as completely safe.

- Pius Alexander, Middlesex, The UK

"...sex had become a bore. I used to ejaculate very fast and even though my wife never complained, I felt really bad and desperately wanted to do something about it. I started myself on a high-protein diet and nothing came off it. I visited eminent doctors and that too was fruitless. I was then introduced to DuraMale and life has never been brighter..."

- Stanley, 38, Nevada, USA

"Thank you for the swift delivery! I got the product on time…"

- Noel, 38, Wisconsin, USA

" I used to ejaculate just as soon as I started sexual intercourse. This made me very frustrated in life and I had lost hope until a friend advised me to go online and order 2 bottles of DuraMale. My worries have disappeared ever since..."

- Stanley, 38, Nevada, USA

"…me and my friends bought this product a month ago and I am proud to say that we have had only positive results so far. Thank you DuraMale!"

- Victor, 33, NZ

What is DuraMale?
DuraMale is a doctor approved capsule that effectively destroys the male sexual disorder Premature Ejaculation. DuraMale works effectively to make sure that your sexual worries are a thing of the past.

Can i use this product?
Has your sexual life been affected by Premature Ejaculation? Would you like a safe solution that would work to take your orgasm worries away? This product ensures that you have a better control over your ejaculation control.

Is it safe?
DuraMale has been prepared with the foremost care and detail. The herbs that went into the preparation of this product are the safest and most renowned. We follow stringent International standards in safety and hygiene in the preparation of our products.

What are the ingredients?
Please refer to the ‘Ingredients’ section to know more about the effective ingredients that form the vital core of DuraMale.

What is the dosage?
Take 1 capsule twice daily along with a glass of water. Follow a regular course to ensure permanent and strong control over your ejaculation process.

Will there be any problem if I miss a dose?
If you have missed a dose, then take it as soon as you remember. Follow the course in a disciplined manner to achieve strong and permanent results.


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