
Once a person decides that it’s time he or she stopped smoking, it is better to start sooner rather than later. However, how do you stop smoking, when you have been smoking for a number of years? Smoking is an extremely difficult addiction to break because tobacco contains the compound called nicotine which is addictive to both the mind and body.

Studies have shown that each time you smoke a cigarette, it has cost you about 5 to 20 minutes of your life. Apart from weakening the body, smoking leaves a person with halitosis, yellow teeth, wrinkles, lower bone density, fertility problems that will eventually affect the sexual health of both men and women and a higher risk of being infected with deadly diseases such as lung cancer. Smoking is costly and can reduce the life span of a person by around 10 years or even more.

Over the past few decades, the effects that smoking has on our daily lives has been made clear. Not only does smoking alienate you from your friends and co-workers, it makes you smell bad, gives you terrible breath, gives you multiple kinds of cancer and it costs a fortune.

But possibly the best reason ever to quit smoking is that smoking can directly impact your sex life, and we don’t mean your ability to have it, although your chances will most likely be greatly improved if you quit. Smoking has been linked to a significant decrease in stamina and its affects on the lungs are already well documented.

Ask the average person what they need to do to live a healthy life and you get the usual answers: eat right, exercise and stay away from smoking, drinking and drug use. But the number of people that actually follow their own advice is small. Most folks don’t equate that advice to sex since sex is something that feels so automatic to most of us. But living a healthy lifestyle can have a huge impact on how often we want to have sex, but also the quality of the sex, itself.

Many smokers report a sharp drop in not only how often they want to have sex, but also the quality of the sex they do have. They report feeling out of breath much quicker than they use to, as well as feelings of dizziness and nausea after only a few minutes of sexual intercourse. While it is impossible to say that a complete end to smoking, increased exercise and a better diet is a cure all for everything that ails you, including a lackluster sex life, there isn’t a study in existence that points to any other cure.

And if you’re having sexual relations for the purpose of reproduction, you really should consider quitting. A recent study showed a direct link between the number of cigarettes a day a man smoked and his ability to conceive a child. You wouldn’t want your wife to smoke during pregnancy, then you should be willing to quit while you try to conceive. Better yet, quit for good so your child has a father to hug during their high school graduation.

Quitting isn’t easy now, nor has it ever been. See your doctor for advice on quitting and see what aides are available so you can quit right the first time.

NicoNot, offers an innovative, all-natural solution that will help you quit for good. NicoNot patches are not a drug but are a natural substance and are the safest and most effective products on the market, enjoying a 97 percent success rate! Compare that to the 20 percent success rate of most smoking cessation programs, and you can see why more people are turning to safe and effective NicoNot. These pills allow you to quit without experiencing the common symptoms of withdrawal like irritability, tension, insomnia, and weight gain.

When you use most quit smoking programs, you are still introducing nicotine into your system. This does not give you the chance to ever rid your body of the substance you are addicted to, so your cravings never truly subside. No wonder so many people start smoking again after a few weeks or months! Our pills use a combination of natural formulas that eliminate your need for cigarettes and other tobacco products altogether.

So is there a solution for smokers to get rid of their smoking completely and without the withdrawal symptoms associated with it? We are happy to state there is an answer to your question and that is NicoNot! NicoNot has been successfully helping men and women around the world to get rid of their habit!

NicoNot is free from nicotine and unlike other Nicotine Replacement Theraphy(NRT) products, is free from dangerous side-effects.